Kaela is a Gamilaroi woman who was born in Tamworth NSW, but has spent most of her life in Newcastle on Worimi country, She now resides in Dubbo on Wiradjuri country. Her whole life she has had a passion for making increasing others quality of life. She has a love of arts and technology, and dabbles in both mediums and platforms in her everyday life. During high school she had the opportunity to collaborate with Aboriginal artist and Wiradjuri Elder, which inspired her to involve herself more in her culture. Now in this role, she feels she can use all her skills and support her team in making a vital change to our society, but more importantly, her people.


Kaela has significant experience working in the disability and mental health sector before joining HWA. She now studies Psychology and Art Therapy and da clear vision of being able to utilise these skills in her community. Kaela’s previous roles required her to be an excellent communicator with stakeholders and clients, which she continues to do in her role with HWA. Kaela has a creative flair and her interests include arts and technology, where she adds value to our team when it comes to supporting individuals and communities through social and emotional wellbeing and being able to express  themselves creatively through art. When combined with her sound knowledge and skills in computer software, she is well-equipped to provide support to various HWA projects.