
Our Commitment 

Mission Statement

HWA engages with communities on their healing journeys. We provide cultural and clinical support and supervision for staff. We deliver evidence-based training to maximise the social and emotional wellbeing of Indigenous staff and their community members.


Healing Works Australia envisions an Australia where communities are healing through self-determination.


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  • Honour our values

What we offer

Our Services

SEWB program support and development (for ACCHO’S)

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Community healing workshops

We facilitate community healing workshops – it is important work. Our workshops are different in each community as we recognise that each community is unique. For the community or organisation to benefit from a workshop, they need to be consulted and actively involved. We listen and appreciative all feedback. Communities self-determine what healing looks like for them and we can safely facilitate that journey.

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Suicide Prevention Consulting

Our consultative approach is a safe hands-on process that supports community development. It enables organisations, stakeholders, individuals, and communities to have a voice and put forward their own concerns and hopes for their community. We facilitate capacity building within communities by being led by community in the design and implementation of local suicide prevention initiatives.

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Suicide Intervention Skills training

Suicide is a community issue not a mental health issue, and each community is unique. This means that a one-size-fits-all approach is not effective. We offer industry leading suicide intervention training, including two-day and half-day workshops. We can also tailor our workshops facilitation to suit community needs.


We actively engage with communities so that we can offer consultation pre and post workshops, so our support can continue.

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Clinical supervision

We offer external clinical supervision for staff to increase capacity, wellbeing and staff retention rates. This could be regular clinical and cultural supervision (external) for individuals and/or as a group

This will provide a confidential space for each member in relationship with each other to share, reflect and where possible explore solutions to assist in increasing their ability to manage clients and further develop clinical skills within a multidisciplinary treatment model.


  • Enhanced communication within the team;
  • facilitated reflective practice;
  • enhanced effectiveness of multidisciplinary practice;
  • improved client focus; and
  • reduced stress levels of clinicians and increased staff retention.

Why Choose Us

We are empowering people
to save lives from suicide

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    We value any feedback that we receive. We are constantly evolving and changing to meet the needs of the people that we work with.
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    We have access to worldwide industry support. This enables us to connect people with services or individuals regardless of geographic location.

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    We deliver evidence-based training that has complete and unbiased studies that support the effectiveness of each program. Our programs are regularly updated to reflect changes in best practice, research, and efficacy.

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    Highly qualified, trained and registered suicide intervention trainers. All of our trainers have a lived experience of suicide. Learning from people who have a lived experience of suicide has been recognised as an essential component of effective suicide prevention strategies.

Coaching, speaking engagements and program development

In addition to our training services, we are also able to offer one-on-one or group consultation and coaching sessions to assist with program and service delivery. We can also assist in the development of programs to meet the needs of your consumers.


We are also available for speaking engagements, including motivational speaking, and other event specific genres. We are accomplished keynote speakers, presenters, panellists and trainers who can address a wide range of topics relating to metal health, suicide, advocacy and identity. Our lived experience enables us to tailor our talks in a way that best relates to event attendees.


Our wealth of experience provides us with tools and expertise to help your team, club, workplace or community.

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